Q1. What Is Big Bang?
Big Bang is a theory of universe that explain us how the universe was formed? Scientists believe that around fourteen billion years ago(13.8 billion years), all energy were concentrated in a very small point. There was the no existence of time and space at that time. Then occurred a very tremendous explosion called the Big Bang. This explosion threw out pure energy outwards with a great force. Then space and time come into existence. After a long interval of time space cooled down and then the first matter came into existence that was the atom of hydrogen then other all element came into existence. As time passed, space expand and space cooled. The area where concentration of matter was high, there Gravity showed its power and all dusts particles concentrate and the temperature of that place reached to billions of degree celcius and a process take place known as 'nuclear fusion' in that concentrated matter. Then this form a star and many stars formed by this processes. And again due to the force of gravity many stars were living in a group called 'galaxy'. Now you know how universe formed. You may surprised to know that our universe is still expanding in all directions. Edwin Hubble, the 'father of the Big Bang theory', stated in 1929 that the farther a galaxy is from us, the faster it moves away. Take a rubber balloon and blow it up a bit. Then make some dots on it with a pen. When you blow into the balloon again, you will see that the dots not only expand, but also move away from each other. That's exactly how the universe is expanding.
Q2. Will The Universe Keep On Expanding Forever?
It is Believed that either this expansion will go on forever or the universe may stop expanding and shrink again, causing the Big Crunch. If this happens, it will be the end of our universe!
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